Top 5 Ways to Protect Your House from Pests

The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to spend more time at home. And with the virus still wreaking havoc in the world, our homes are the safest place to be in right now.

And since you’re stuck inside, it’s the perfect time to take care of your house and make it a more comfortable place to live.

Maybe it’s time for a garage door spring repair such as explained by Garage Door Nation? Or how about a little kitchen remodeling? The possibilities are endless. However, there’s one thing that you should make a priority. We’re talking about Turner Pest Control.

Why? Because you may have a pest problem without even knowing it. And even if you don’t, it’s probably the last thing you want to deal with at the moment, so it’s worth taking all the precautions.

With that in mind, let’s move forward without having to deal with pests. In the guide below, you’ll find all the information you need on how to keep your home safe from mice, termites, cockroaches, bed bugs, and other unwanted visitors.

However, if you have a pest problem and do not have the time or means to handle it yourself, we recommend calling Saela today.

Seal Your Doors and Windows

All the rodents need to invade your house is a tiny gap or crack. That’s why the first thing you should do to prevent them from entering is ensuring there aren’t any spots they can use to get inside.

Make sure your doors and windows are appropriately sealed. If not, fix it as soon as possible to avoid the unexpected company.

The good idea is to install bug screens. Chances are your windows already have them, but it’s best to double-check. If they don’t, installing screens should be your top priority as it’s the best way to make sure insects won’t get inside your home.

Fortunately, the new screens aren’t too expensive. What’s more, they’re easy to install, so you don’t have to pay more for professional company services if you know a thing or two about DIY.

Check for Interior Gaps

But windows and doors aren’t the only entry points for pests. There are many other routes that rodents can use to enter your house. That’s why you have to look closely for any other interior gaps.

Check your walls and piping for any potential weak points. If there are any cracks you see, cover them immediately with caulk.

It’s a job that will take you not more than an afternoon of work, yet it will ensure your first line of defense is secured.

Also, don’t forget about the home areas you don’t use too often. Check your basement or attic, as they’re the most common rooms for rodents like mice and rats to conquer your home.

Keep Your Home Clean

One thing to know about pests is that they love when a property is messy and dirty. If you don’t keep your home clean, you provide rodents and insects with food and places to reproduce.

With that in mind, the primary rule of pest control should be – keep a clean and tidy home. Otherwise, you’ll never get rid of bugs yourself and lose control over what’s going on in your home.

Don’t worry, though. Your house doesn’t have to be spotless and perfect. All you need to do is wash your dishes daily, wipe surfaces and vacuum regularly, and take out the trash every day.

Small things will make the difference, as they give pests a little reason to stick around and multiply, making the whole situation worse. With that being said, regular cleaning should be the core of your pest control.

Take Care of Your Property

There are many reasons why insects love old and ill-maintained homes. Older properties are usually wrongly insulated or leaky, making them damp. And if there’s anything that pests like cockroaches love besides dirt, it’s moist.

But even if you don’t live in an older building, you may come across water-related problems. To ensure they won’t lead to a pest invasion, you have to ensure your house is dry.

To achieve that, you need to inspect your pipes and insulation regularly. It’s also a good idea to ensure your roof is in the best shape possible, especially before the autumn/winter season.

Leaking water can cause mold damage, allowing bugs to enter your home freely and unnoticed.

Also, inspect the caulk around your sinks or bathtubs to ensure your draining works as it should. If there’s any standing water, pests will immediately take advantage of that.

A dry and tidy property should keep the mice, mosquitos, or rats away and prevent them from sniffing around your home.

Secure the Outside

spraying pesticide with portable sprayer to eradicate garden weeds

You shouldn’t limit your pest control only to the inside of your house, though. Securing your yard is equally important in ensuring bugs won’t take control over your entire property.

As a rule of thumb, it’s best to keep the shrubs, trees, and plants away from your home. It’s best to have at least 18-36 inches of clearance around the walls.

Also, if you have a pond or a pool, prepare yourself for a fight with mosquitos. To ensure they don’t overrun your garden entirely, you should change the water of the pond regularly and put a safety cover on top of your pool when not in use so that bugs won’t lay eggs in them.

Mosquitos aren’t your only outside foe, though. You should be ready for a battle against ants or termites too. To free your garden from them, it’s best to arm yourself with anti-bug products.

Bottom Line

There’s a popular saying that prevention is better than cure. When it comes to pest control, that statement couldn’t have been more accurate. Unfortunately, we often don’t have time to secure our homes properly.

Of course, we can call for a professional pest control service like the ones at Terminix. Such a company should quickly clear your house from insects, but you can be sure they will come back sooner or later if you don’t do anything to prevent that.

To ensure pests won’t return and terrorize your home again, you have to take some safety precautions. And since the pandemic is forcing you to stay inside, now it’s the best time to do that.

Fortunately, as you can see above, keeping your house safe from pests isn’t too complicated. You just need to implement some simple rules to create a secure and healthy environment for you and your family to live in.

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