5 Ways to Improve the Curb Appeal of Your House

Curb appeal is something that homeowners strive to achieve but sometimes it’s not such an easy task. It’s quite common to walk through your neighborhood or drive through surrounding areas gazing at the houses and wishing you could achieve that same sense of curb appeal.

Whether it is a tight budget, lack of vision or the fact that you aren’t exactly the DIY type that is standing in your way, here are some ways that you can go about improving the curb appeal of your home and creating the home of your dreams.

We are sure you will appreciate the options presented below.

Make Your Front Door Stand Out

If you live in a subdivision with many homes, you know better than anyone how similar they can start to look. Sometimes it’s hard to make yours stand out and achieve the curb appeal you’re after.

One easy, quick and budget-friendly project that will have a huge impact is to paint your front door an unexpected color.

Rather than choose something predictable that is found on many other homes, pick a bright color that speaks to your style, personality and design sense.

Some great colors to consider include:

  • Peacock blue
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Lime green
  • Bright yellow
  • Purple

Of course, the color still needs to work with your home, but don’t be afraid to step outside the box a bit. There are countless wonderful combinations you will simply love.

However, it is very important that you are careful about neighborhood rules. In some cases, you are restricted to only some choices and you can end up with a fine in the event that you paint parts of your home differently than what is allowed.

Install a Front Yard Fence

Did you know that choosing the perfect front-yard fence can also help to improve curb appeal? A front-yard fence will provide privacy, can increase the security around the property, help your home to stand out from others on the street with a customized vibe, and add a sense of elegance.

Whether you choose to go with an ornamental look such as iron or a picket fence, or something more substantial like traditional wood or vinyl fence, it will transform the look of the home.

If your budget allows it, you can also install a front in the backyard. Any area that you want to stand out would look so much better with a fence around it. This includes things like a small garden or a guest welcoming area.

Get Rid of Any Outdated Exterior Lighting

Exterior lighting is not only a safety feature but it helps to create ambience and set the tone for your house. It’s also another fabulous way to stand out.

Switching out any dated light fixtures for modern new ones will transform the entire look of the outdoors.

One of the reasons why exterior lighting is so important for a home is that it will most likely deter burglars from the property.

If the house is well-lit, there are less chances it will be targeted by anyone since thieves love to have their actions masked by darkness.

Add a Walkway or Path to the Front Entrance

Making your front entrance grander and more inviting will also be an improvement where curb appeal is concerned. You can do this by creating a walkway or pathway that leads to your front door.

Popular materials to use for this project include concrete slabs, stones and brick. Depending on how confident you are in your DIY skills, you may be able to do this job yourself.

Since you are adding a beautiful path or walkway to your front entrance, try to also make it more beautiful by having some flowers or grown greenery to the sides.

Having a lawn is definitely great but the entire area will look so much more welcoming with some flowers.

Give Your Garden an Injection of Color

flowers in the garden

Then there is your garden, which may need a little TLC. Before you start planting anything new, it’s a good idea to give it a good clean up.

This means cutting back and pruning overgrown items and weeding. Next, it’s time to inject color into the garden by choosing bright annuals and perennials.

Final Thoughts

Improving the curb appeal in your home is something that you’ll be able to enjoy and take pride in.

And when it is time to sell the property in the future, you are going to receive a whole lot more simply because of the little modifications you made.

The great thing about the presented ways to increase curb appeal is that they are not at all expensive. You will not break the bank as you make the desired changes.

And your home will end up looking a lot better, which is something we all want.

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