DIY Scrabble Wall Art and Letters Decor

The game of scrabble can conjure up so many things in our minds. Memories of long, heated games where letters come together to form words we use everyday and ones we didn’t even know we knew that had a “Q” or a “Z” in them.

What’s special about this game is the crossword puzzle like patterns we create, as each word gets assembled on the board, connecting and intertwining with other words.

We are all little word artists without even knowing it, so it seems natural to want to take this theme into something larger such as creating scrabble wall art and other decor items using those little letter tiles.

There’s something tactile and raw to these little, wooden squares we line up on the board. Making them larger than life on our walls just seems like something you have to do if you love scrabble.

So, here, we highlight some amazing scrabble letters decor from ideas you can put on your wall to small themed DIY items.

Without getting any more wordy here are our favorites to get you inspired.

1. Giant Wall Scrabble Game Board

Whether you pursue this project or not it is definitely something worth seeing.

This is a DIY endeavor you’d no doubt pay $2,000-3,000 for if it were made by a company with matching quality to this piece.

Who wouldn’t want to play scrabble on their wall with an oversized board?

Jen from JenWoodHouse figured out how to make the board and style up her house. You simply have to see this to believe it.

Giant wall scrabble game

See Jen’s amazing project and how-to guide over at her blog This is truly spectacular – go Jen!

2. $30 Scrabble Wall Art Gallery

Of course shabby chic decor is not off limits when it comes to decorating your house scrabble style.

This weathered look with an emphasis on family comes with a beauty all its own in these scrabble wall design.

3. Inexpensive Farmhouse Scrabble Letters Decor

Kaitlin over at Poms2Moms give us a project on the cheap. But it doesn’t look cheap at all!

This is a straightforward way to bring scrabble and family together on your walls with gorgeous results.

It’s amazing how just a little bit of dark and woodsy stain can make scrabble rustic and mesmerizing.

scrabble family name with tiles on wall

Go see Kaitlin and her farmhouse slant at This just might be your project if like inexpensive projects.

4. Huge, Dark Stained Scrabble Wall Art Tiles

Let’s go even darker with our scrabble wall tiles. That’s what Lena did over at WhatMommyDoes.

These come with a reverse text (white) style for the letters and little scrabble numbers. It really pops and comes out so clean looking.

Dark scrabble tile decor

Lena shares all her steps to make these huge tiles, including instructions and tips on a video. Check it at her blog

5. DIY Scrabble Crossword Shadow Box Frame

Actually letters are used in this shadow box. What a great gift idea this one would be. Watch below to see how it’s done.

6. DIY Scrabble Tile Coasters

Who says scrabble decor for your house has to be all about big and bold?

This next project is based on a popular way to use scrabble letters in a classic arts and crafts project.

Coasters are a clever and timeless way to capture the spirit of the game.

Best of all, what better coaster to use while you’re actually playing the game and enjoying your favorite drink?


Scrabble letter coasters DIY

Thank you Meg for showing us how to best make these little babies. Visit her tutorial now at GreenwithDecor.

7. Herb Garden Markers

Ok, it doesn’t get much easier than this. But this is too cute for your herb garden.

This is one of those, why didn’t I think of that projects… Yet once you see it, you’re immediately on it.

Use for your herb garden indoors or even your small garden outside (just opt for a finish that can protect these to make them last a long time).

Letters to mark garden

Go see Erin’s handy work on her blog

8. Magnetic Scrabble Board for Your Wall

When you re-create a famous board game and mount it to your wall, it instantly takes on a dual-purpose.

The first is that you can play it of course. The second is you’ve created one of the coolest DIY decor pieces in the neighborhood.

Check out this nifty approach using magnetic tiles to make this all work so well.

Scrabble magnets

Join the guys over at OurDIYAdventures to see how they pulled this one off. Too cool!

9. Amazing DIY Framed Scrabble Artwork

Here’s a great little piece that even your kids can do with you.

You can make this any way you like using newspaper and old scrabble tiles you could pick up a thrift store or flea market.

It’s both messy and sweet, which is what makes this one unique.

Framed scrabble art

Visit Lisa at GraceBluetheBlog to see her inspiration piece and for a complete supply and materials list.

10. Shabby Chic Scrabble Frame

There’s just something about family when it comes to scrabble decor.

Whether it’s a baby’s or children’s names, or simple terms of endearment like “Love” or “Kindness”, spelling out words and plopping them around our house to remind us is a beautiful thing.

Here’s a simple one that just says SO much. We love it. We love family.

Scrabble tiles on a frame

See this and tons just like it over at Adventure in Decorating. You will be inspired!

11. Scrabble Letters Using Birch Branches

If you really love the outdoors, and have these natural kinds of elements in your decor, then this one is a good fit.

Made from birch tree branches, the letters become 3D and take on a very raw look. Definitely more fun than your standard embossed, black lettering wouldn’t you say?

wood scrabble letters made from brances

Go outside and find some branches, or if you simply want to buy these head on over to Abnormal Creations

The next time you play scrabble, ask yourself how you might incorporate such basic board game props into your life and decor at home.

You’d be surprised at what you can put on your wall or repurpose these cute little tile into to celebrate not just your style but your life.


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