I know snowflakes are typically icy and cold, but these ones, they’ve got heart. My friend, Caleisha, mentioned that Sandy Hook Elementary School was looking for paper snowflake donations so that the kids and teachers will be welcomed to a winter wonderland when they head back to school in January.
I know we were all shaken by the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. In the holiday spirit, sending a few snowflakes is a great way to give some hope and encouragement back to the community. Each snowflake they receive represents an individual who is thinking dearly of them as they work to rebuild their lives.
If you’d like to participate, the deadline is January 12, 2013. Mail your snowflakes to:
Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 06514
You can find more info at the Sandy Hook PTSA website.
I’ll be sending a few snowflakes out this week, and I’d like to encourage you to participate as well. It is a small way to help, but the more people who participate, the bigger the impact will be. So go out and grab some friends, family, paper and scissors and let’s send them a blizzard of paper snowflakes to let them know they are in our thoughts.
UPDATE: I thought it would be fun to include readers’ posts who were participating. (Send me a link if you are sending some snowflakes.) Check it out and spread the word: