How to Transplant a Tree without Killing It?

We’ve all heard of tree transplants…the procedure of shifting a whole tree with its roots from one location to another area.

But do we know how to do it safely and in a way that maintains the health and life of the tree?

The ability to transplant trees offers many benefits depending on the needs and condition of any given project.

There is no need to cut giant trees that act as a barrier when constructing a project as they can be removed safely and shifted to another place.

So, with tree transplanting, it is possible to conveniently transplant trees (see more here), without killing them using specialized techniques and equipment.

Well, the process of tree transplant requires a lot of expertise, and it is also a matter of patience.

However, the results will be beautiful, and there are no risks if done with proper measures and care.

More About Tree Transplants

Sometimes, the position of a growing tree can seem to be most appropriate.

In some cases, the growing tree might grow near other plants or trees.

Also, sometimes, you need to move a dormant tree to an entirely new location and plant it elsewhere. In such cases, there is a need to transplant trees.

There are the proper steps and the right time of the year to transplant trees.

In addition, there are many more essential steps involved in the process.

Read on to find out everything about tree transplants and how you can efficiently perform them.

The Right Time To Perform Tree Transplants

Just like everything in our lives has a suitable time, the process of tree transplant too has a proper time.

According to experts, the right time to transplant a tree is when it is still in its dormant stage.

Of course, seasons play a vital role in the process. Most tree transplants are performed during early Spring and late Autumn when the tree has lost all its leaves.

The dormant stage of a tree is chosen for tree transplants because it reduces the level of shock, and there are fewer chances of roots dying.

In other words, you don’t want to assume you can just uproot a tree any time you’re ready and expect to have positive results. Timing is important!

Digging Up The Roots

Digging the roots of a dormant tree is the most crucial task you must perform very carefully. Experts always advise watering the soil thoroughly for at least three days before uprooting.

Watering the soil frequently helps loosen the roots and makes the digging process easier.

It also keeps the root ball moist, preventing it from tearing up or dying.

It goes without saying that taking care of the root system is just as important (if not more), as caring for the leaves, branches, bark and trunk during transplanting.

Keeping the Roots Alive

Although the process of digging the roots may sound easy, keeping the roots alive is a big deal.

If you fail to do so, the whole process of transplanting fails.

To keep the roots fresh and alive, wrapping up the root ball is necessary. You can wrap the root ball with burlap or thick plastic.

Be sure to use heavy duty ties or rope to keep your protective layer in place should you need to transport your tree long distances or move to and from multiple places (trucks, nurseries, staging area, etc.) before putting back in the ground.

Wrapping the root ball will prevent it from dying and make it ready for replanting.

In most cases, thick plastics may prevent the roots from breathing; hence, burlap is the most realistic option.

Replanting A Tree In A New Location

Replanting a tree

Here is the last step of a tree transplant and the most crucial one. The process of replanting a tree must be done with a lot of care.

Before replanting the tree, you need to prepare the soil for at least 24 hours before watering it thoroughly.

After the soil is ready for the process of digging and replanting, you can carefully place the roots and cover them.

Once the replanting is done, water the plant thoroughly at first and in the days that follow.

Of course it depends on the temperature and humidity in the air, but plant to monitor the new tree’s water needs for a few weeks daily.

Even after following all these steps with care, there remains an important task, to prevent the newly transplanted tree from shock.

Watering it regularly and taking proper care of it for a few weeks is mandatory.

Final Words

Tree transplants are unique ways of carrying your favorite plants to different locations. Although the process requires a lot of time and patience, the results are undeniably beautiful.

Instead of letting a tree die because they are growing in an inappropriate location, you can always give them a new home to flourish.

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