How to Make a Storage Basket for Your Yarn

I’ve been on a mission to find fun and functional yarn storage for my craft room, and I think I finally found the perfect solution! I snagged this oversized wire basket on a recent trip to TJ Maxx, and I just knew that it would work like a charm.


The open weave of the wire makes it easy to see all the yarns I have in it, and since all the pretty, colorful strands show through, it really brightens up my craft room too!


I love being able to see my yarns at a glance, and I’m hoping it’s going to make me want to put these neglected strands to good use. Right now, I’m trying to work through my yarn stash by creating a Granny Tree Skirt in time for Christmas.

I’m really hoping to use up my stash soon, because even though it’s pretty sitting in my fancy new storage basket, these skeins will be put to much better use in a crochet project, or two, or three, or four….  😉

(Of course, while I may be in love with my new basket, my pup, Tanner, is a little less amused. lol! Secretly, he is waiting for me to leave so that he can grab a skein of yarn to chew on. He’s crafty, that one.)

Do you guys have any crafty storage tips, like a fabric covered rope storage basket? I’m gradually trying to tame my craft supplies and could use some suggestions.

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