10 Warning Signs Your House Is in Need of Foundation Repair

A home is probably the most expensive investment for most people. Due to this reason, no homeowner would want their home to experience problems.

However, from time to time, we notice some changes in our home structure that indicate the need for repair, and among the areas that might require renovations is the foundation.

As Haas Property Management warns, when the foundation of a house is in bad shape, the entire home’s integrity is at risk.

Therefore, each homeowner should be keen on their foundation to discover problems in time.

Fortunately, you don’t require any advanced education to tell if your foundation needs repair.

It’s also a great idea to search online for repair service provider’s sites, such as https://oriolebw.com/foundation-repair-baltimore-maryland/ to have your foundation problem handled by professionals.

If you’re worried about the state of your house’s foundation, here are some tell-tale signs to know that it’s time to undergo repair:

1. Poor Drainage

poor water drainage

Water is the primary cause of foundation issues. If you’ve noticed drainage problems in your home, it might mean that your foundation has a problem and requires attention.

Water gathers around the house foundation, causing soil expansion, which increases the pressure around the foundation footing and walls.

When this happens, cracks begin to form inside and outside the house.

To pinpoint drainage issues in your property, check for wet soil if it hasn’t been raining or dry spots around your house after it rains.

If these spots are present, foundation repair might be the best option for your home.

2. Gaps Around Exterior Doors And Windows

If your home has foundation problems, you might notice gaps around exterior doors and windows. Also, the doors might be difficult to close.

This is because the doors no longer align properly, which is the reason why it’s difficult to close.

You may also notice crooked door frames around your property. If this happens, your foundation needs repair soon.

3. Foundation Cracks

If there are cracks on the foundation floor or walls or a broken chimney it could indicate foundation problems.

As time goes by, your property experiences foundation movement for various reasons.

This leads to shifting that might cause serious cracks. The expansion and contraction of the soil around your property’s foundation and weather changes can also cause further damages.

Though it’s normal for a foundation to sink and experience tiny cracks in the first three years after construction, horizontal cracks on concrete walls of a basement manifests that your home is experiencing more than a normal settling.

Even the tiniest horizontal crack shouldn’t be overlooked as it can cause serious issues.

Horizontal cracks are a more severe problem than vertical ones as they indicate that your home’s foundation perimeter is under significant pressure.

Vertical cracks shouldn’t cause an alarm since dry walls run in the same direction.

Nevertheless, you should be keen on your foundation to determine any cracks since their presence suggests that you require foundation repair.

4. Cracks In Your Drywall

Cracked drywall might result from various factors, such as moisture in high humidity climates or roofs that are damaged by water.

However, if these factors are not the cause of your cracked drywall, the chances are that your foundation has problems.

While these cracks aren’t enough proof of a problematic foundation, upon noticing them, check for other signs that might also indicate that you need immediate foundation restoration.

5. Foundation Sinking

If you notice your house or other structures in your property are sinking, consult a reputable contractor immediately, as settling is among the signs of a problematic foundation.

As time passes, you might notice that one side of your house appears to be lower than the other, or the center of your home is sinking.

In such cases, the foundation requires lifting and installing of exterior and interior foundation piers to help raise it.

6. Bowing Walls

Bowing walls are a serious indicator of a severe foundation problem and should be addressed as soon as possible.

If your walls bow beyond three inches, you’ll require the installation of wall anchor stabilizers to strengthen the walls.

In the event of severe bowing walls, you might require foundation excavation and rebuilding of some parts of the foundation.

7. Cabinets And Counters Separating From The Wall

Are your cabinets or countertops pulling away from the wall? Firstly, you may notice an insignificant pulling from the wall, and later the gap increases in size.

If you see anything of this sort in your house, your foundation might be having problems. When the walls aren’t level, everything attached to them loses its level too.

Even if the change is slight, as items hanging incorrectly, it’s no doubt that your foundation has some issues.

8. Sagging Or Uneven Floors

Uneven or sagging floors are a straightforward indicator of foundation issues. In such an event, items easily roll on the floor.

Upon noticing such a problem, you should check for the soft spot where repair is required.

This issue is caused by poor foundation waterproofing, where water is allowed in, and eventually warping the floor.

Ensure to call a professional to give you instructions on solving such issues.

9. Bugs In The House

House bugs

It’s easy to deal with bugs and other pests in your home, but it’s difficult once you have a foundation issue.

With cracks on your floors, bugs such as earwigs, ants, and others can easily crawl into your home.

While other reasons might cause bugs infestation, they might invade your home since your foundation has cracks.

10. Weeds Near Foundation

No one desires weeds, especially when they grow near your home’s foundation. If you notice scattered weeds, it might not indicate any foundation issue.

However, if there are clustered weeds on the foundation, it’s a sign that there could be cracks that require attention.


House foundation issues may sometimes be deceptive, due to the fact that its signs can indicate different house construction problems.

However, if you stop being cautious to identify each sign, the repercussions might be severe and costly.

So, take the time to read every sign in the list above for you to be guided. As the old adage goes, ‘prevention is better than cure,’ truly applies in this situation.

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