3 Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for Winter

Due to the fact that winter is just around the corner in many parts of the world, there’s no better time than today to start getting your home ready for whatever weather you’ll be facing in the coming months.

Whether this means that the snow will start falling soon or you’ll simply see a slight drop in temperature, there are likely some tasks that you should be taking care of before winter fully sets in in your area.

To help you ensure that you’re ready to stay safe and warm regardless of what winter weather strikes you this year, here are three tips for getting your home ready for winter.

Get Your Heating System Ready

Winter means lower temperatures and the need for turning on your heater or stoking your fireplace.

Regardless of which heating option you use, it’s wise to have some maintenance done before you start using it for the first time this season.

With a fireplace, Rachel Brougham, a contributor to the Family Handyman, recommends that you have a chimney sweep come out to clean and check everything.

While your fireplace hasn’t been used, there’s a chance that pests could have taken up residence there, and you’ll want to get them out safely before you start your first fire.

On the other hand, if you have central heating, having an HVAC professional at ARS – Rescue Rooter take a look could help ensure that your unit is running safely and efficiently.

Additionally, assess your current energy plan to see if it’s cost-effective and efficient. Your electric bills will decrease and your home will be more energy-efficient. You can use Electricity Rates to compare the electricity companies in your area to find the best plan that suits your needs.

TIP: Homeowners and private landlords can qualify for a free central heating grant through the ECO initiative, funded by the big 6 energy companies and backed by the government. Warma UK are grant specialists and have prepared a handy guide on how to qualify for a central heating grant

Prepare Your Plumbing


If you live in an area where temperatures drop to below freezing, you may also want to do some preventative work to prepare your plumbing for potential frozen pipes.

To help you with this, you’ll want to wrap your pipes with warming tape or another safe material to keep them insulated from the cold.

Additionally, Bill Cary, a contributor to USA Today, advises that you keep any drainage moving away from your home so that you don’t have to deal with standing water that could then freeze and cause damage to your property.

Put Up Storm Windows

To keep the cold from seeping into your home through your windows, Paul Hope, a contributor to Consumer Reports, recommends that you take out the screens from your windows and replace them with storm windows.

By doing this, you’ll have an additional layer of material between the cold air outside and the heat that you’re trying to keep inside.

And since you likely won’t be opening your windows in the winter anyway, taking off and storing the screens shouldn’t be an issue.

If you’re trying to get your home ready for winter before the temperatures really start dropping, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you figure out where to best focus your time and attention.

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