How to Pack Your Things for a Move So That Nothing Breaks or Disappears

Death, divorce, and move are the three most stressful situations in any person’s life.

For many people, moving is worse than being in a horror movie.

In order not to go crazy and start hating everyone, we propose to master the skill of packing things and reach a Zen. How? Read our checklist.

What challenges can you meet?

In the majority of cases, when you move, you fear that you’ll lose something.

So this will surely happen if you break the order of packing things, namely, if you start collecting everything chaotically, without any logic.

Therefore, the #1 problem when packing things is the lack of consistency: people start haphazardly throwing everything into boxes.

Needless to say, when the time comes to arrange things in a new apartment, you’ll be doing this for several days as you simply don’t know where the right thing is.

The second problem with packaging is quality. When boxes don’t take up half of the truck, then you’ll have to put together a broken set in a new apartment.

To avoid commonplace mistakes, it is enough to know the simple rules for packing things.

We beg you, never set packaging aside. A chandelier put in an ordinary shopping bag will definitely not survive.

Use different types of packaging:

  • bubble wrap – for glass, fragile and breakable things;
  • stretch wrap – for everything to protect it from dust;
  • cardboard boxes – for personal belongings, clothes, shoes, dishes;
  • spool of string – to tie a stack of books, boxes of shoes, etc.;
  • large bags (plastic, paper) – for clothes, blankets, curtains.

Moreover, prepare tape, markers, and scissors.

Keep calm and start packing clothes

Put everything you need for the first time in a separate bag: soap, toothbrush, shampoo, some pieces of cloth. Now start packing the rest of the stuff.

The main rule: divide and conquer! Group everything into underwear; t-shirts; bulky clothing (hoodies, hoodies, sweaters); shirts; trousers, jeans, shorts, any other pants; outerwear (jackets, coats); business suits and dresses for going out; hats and accessories: hats, scarves, shawls, gloves, belts.

When dividing, focus on the season: put everything irrelevant in a separate bag or box.

Give everything you don’t wear to a charity store, give it to friends or sell it over the Internet. Take into your new life only what you really need.

Use vacuum storage bags – clothes will take up very little space.

Also check pants, T-shirts, socks folding hacks on the Internet. This way more things will fit into fewer boxes.

How to pack household and digital appliances

household packing

Separate the equipment from the wires and put it in its original packaging. If there is no one left twist the wires and tape them directly to the TV, computer, etc.

Then wrap the appliances in the stretch so that the coating is not damaged, and all elements are securely fastened.

Is it necessary to pack furniture?

For sure. When moving, furniture can fall, get dirty, it can be put on the dirty ground, accidentally hit on something. It’s not cool to see a damaged wardrobe or sofa in the new home – you will have to spend money on a new one. What for? Wrap your furniture in stretch – this way it will be convenient to move it and it will remain clean.

How to pack dishes

Wrap crystal and glass items separately in bubble wrap. Use kitchen towels or cupcake tins as spacers between dishes. Glasses and glasses can be wrapped in socks. Always put large dishes, such as pots and pans, on the bottom of the box, place everything light on top.

Final tips for packing things when moving

  • Sign all boxes: what’s inside and who owns it. Fragile things should be marked with some kind of sign, a bright inscription “Fragile!”.
  • Keep important accessories and personal hygiene items close, don’t let your essentials bag get lost among the boxes with clothes.
  • If you have children, pack your children’s toys as late as possible: you will unpack them in the first turn so that the children have something to do in the new apartment.
  • Don’t kill your own car by loading heavy furniture into it. Check top moving companies and services that can help you.
  • Assign packaging and relocation to specialists. For those who do it every day, moving is a very simple thing.
  • Professionals, such as Fly-Movers for example, have the skills of packaging, use different types of packaging materials, carefully disassemble and fold things, quickly load furniture, and they are also friendly and always ready to help.

Should You Hire A Moving Company?

The answer depends on your moving needs. Homeowners can choose between renting a truck or hiring a reputable moving company.

If you only have a few things to move, you can consider renting a truck. This option allows you to control how your things will be transported and ensure that none of your belongings breaks or disappears. Also, this is cheaper if you’re on a tight budget.

But of course, you must be ready for any unforeseen circumstances. For instance, if the truck malfunctions or encounters problems, you must have a truck repair services company that you can easily contact. Read here to learn more about truck and trailer repair services.

On the other hand, many homeowners also want to hire moving companies. Movers can help transport your things fast and easily interstate. Many moving companies even offer packaging services, especially for fragile and bulky items. Just ensure you hire a reputable moving company.


Packing your things properly for a move is crucial to prevent anything from breaking or missing. Keep the above tips in mind, and packing becomes easy and stress-free. Ensure you buy high-quality packing supplies and hire the right people for a smoother move.

Good luck!

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