9 of the Best Purchases for Your New Home (However Cash-Strapped You Are)

Acquiring a home is one of the most significant investments you will make, but it can prove very stressful, even though there are ways to make it easier on yourself.

If you’re new to homeownership or just looking to upgrade your current living situation, here are some things that every new homeowner should consider buying for a new home, but first:

Tip: Ensure you get the best mortgage deal possible

As a qualified first-time home buyer, you know that mortgage costs are usually the most significant homeownership costs because the fees can go up to thousands of dollars per month, especially if you don’t shop for the best mortgage deal.

That’s why it’s important to weigh your mortgage options carefully because your deposit and monthly mortgage payment can significantly influence how much money you have left to buy things that spruce up your place and make it homey.

After getting the best deal, consider purchasing the following, even if you are a bit cash-strapped and need to make some sacrifices–or buy some of these things gradually.

1. A set of quality tools

A high-quality set of tools is an important homeowner purchase because you need it to do common home projects and repairs–and yes, even new homes have common repair issues (perhaps a loose drawer handle and fittings, etc.).

You should invest in a good-quality hammer, screwdriver set, pliers, and other tools you think will come in handy when doing minor repairs or maintenance tasks like changing light bulbs or hanging pictures.

A good set of tools will also come in handy if you ever need to fix something without calling in professionals.

2. A reliable vacuum cleaner

vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is a must-have for any home–new or otherwise.

The best vacuum cleaners have powerful motors and long-lasting batteries that can help ensure your new home stays clean and free from allergens like dust, pollen, and dander.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean up spills on the floor or in your car instead of waiting for them to dry up.

3. A home security system

A home security system is a good investment–one of the best purchases you can make as a new homeowner.

It can help protect you and your family from harm and help ensure you can monitor your home for safety while away at work or in other parts of the house.

A home security system will also provide peace of mind because a good home security system will protect against common burglary and theft.

Some advanced home security systems also have handy features like fire detection systems or lighting controls to keep you safer in an emergency.

4. A smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector

A smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector are essential home purchases that alert you to potential dangers in your home.

They can save lives by detecting fires and gas leaks before they become serious problems. If you have children, these may be the most important and best safety devices you can buy.

Smoke detectors should be installed on every house level to always be within reach when needed. Ideally, place your carbon monoxide detectors near sleeping areas and kitchens where cooking frequently occurs (if there is no other option).

5. A good quality cooking set

Every new homeowner should consider buying a high-quality cooking set, especially because the best ones can last over five years.

When buying your first cookware set, the best choice is a high-quality material that can keep up with your cooking needs.

A good quality cookware set is a long-term investment that can make a big difference in the kitchen.

Ideally, you want to choose stainless steel or ceramic over aluminum because they’re more durable and heat resistant

6. A set of essential kitchen appliances

You’ll find that kitchen appliances are one of the most expensive purchases for a homeowner. If you’re not careful about your purchase, you can buy appliances that cause unnecessary frustration and costly repairs.

When choosing what kitchen appliances to buy, consider how much space you have available in your kitchen.

You’ll want to ensure enough room for your standard kitchen appliances (toaster ovens, coffee makers, microwaves) and any specialty pieces like dishwashers or ice makers if you consider those essential.

7. Lawn and garden equipment

garden equipment

The lawn and garden equipment are essential because yard maintenance will be an ongoing undertaking if you have a yard.

A few essential items, such as lawn mowers and weed whackers, can help keep your lawn looking healthy and clean–and, as you know, a healthy-looking yard adds to your home’s value.

Additionally, if you live in an area where growing food is possible (or even desirable), buying some gardening tools could be a way to save on food costs.

8. Quality seats

When shopping for new furniture, look for quality that will offer value for your money.

In addition to considering the price tag, consider how long you expect to use the item and in what environment—a living room or a family room?

Will you use it as an occasional chair or part of a seating arrangement in your dining room? How much weight do you plan on placing on top of these seats?

Consider the style when purchasing furniture. Look at each piece individually; if one item doesn’t fit with other parts already in place and needs to be more appealing on its own merits (style-wise), it may not be worth buying, even if it comes bundled together with other pieces.

For example, if you want an armchair but don’t like how dark green looks against your walls but love dark blue velvet curtains, try finding something else before spending too much time obsessing over this purchase decision.

9. Quality bedding

Quality bedding helps spruce up your bedroom, all while adding a touch of luxury to it, which is why bedding is a necessary purchase for any homeowner. However, the quality of your bedding can make all the difference.

The right mattress will help you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed every morning. It’s also essential to have comfortable bed sheets so you don’t have to change them as often, which saves time and money in the long run.

There are many different types of bedding available: from down comforters to cotton percale sheets, there’s something for everyone!

Consider purchasing some new, high-quality pillows if they aren’t already part of your current set-up (or perhaps even upgrade your current ones and treat yourself to some new pillows to go with the new home).


Fundamentally, remember that as a new homeowner, anything that adds value to your life–and home–can qualify as the best purchase for you.

Therefore, do not be afraid to sit down and ask yourself, “what things do I need to buy to make my life in my new home fulfilling?”

If you answer this question honestly, you will make better decisions about what purchases bring you the most overall value.

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