DIY: Striped Anchor Pin

Ahoy! It’s Pin Week here at Caught on a Whim. Yesterday I showed you how to make a Glitter Heart Pin, and today I’m going to show you how to make this striped anchor pin. With summer just around the corner, this pin is the perfect way to add a touch of the nautical trend to your look.

Alright, let’s get started…


Stuff You’ll Need:

Wooden anchor shape. (Look in your craft store’s woodworking section.)

Pin. (Look in the jewelry section of your craft store.)

Paint (I used some artist acrylic paint because I had it on hand, but any craft paint that will work on wood is fine.)

Painters tape.

Paintbrush. (Not shown above.)

Super Glue (Not shown above.)

Decoupage (Opps, not shown above either. I’ll never learn. But this step is optional so you’ll forgive me right? … For the record I used Martha Stewart’s Decoupage Glue and Sealer.)


1. I started by painting the whole anchor white. Next, I used the painters tape to block out the striped sections. I had to cut the painters tape into thin strips to get the size I wanted for my stripes.

2. I added a few coats of paint to the exposed stripe sections. My stripes are horizontal, but you could choose to do vertical or diagonal stripes as well.

3. After the paint is dry, remove the painters tape and glue the pin to the back of the anchor.

4. (Optional.) I added a coat of decoupage to help protect the paint and give it some sheen. And….
Ta da! That’s all there is to it!

Be sure to come back by tomomorrow to check out my next pin tutorial. See you then!

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