Efficient Living: Simple Ways to Incorporate Energy Efficiency in Your Home

To be energy efficient means that you at least have somewhat of a working knowledge that your energy-efficient efforts help to better the environment.

And true enough, there are plenty of individuals who indeed enjoy the fact that their efforts are for the greater good of the world, but one of the more “instantly gratifying” perks of it is that it lowers their monthly electric bill.

A lot of people know about energy efficiency but aren’t too well-versed in it, which makes them shy away from it.

People tend to think that you have to be what some would call a “tree hugger” to really “go green,” and that’s just not the case at all.

The biggest part of trying to be more environmentally conscious is to simply start…

You have to start somewhere, right?

To start your eco-friendly lifestyle, just know that there’s nothing too big or too small you can do but consider starting out small first.

And in starting small, the best place to start is in the comfort of your home. Your home is a great place to start simply because it is indeed a lifestyle change and you want to start at home to ensure the efforts you’re making are ones that can easily be maintained into your lifestyle.

Energy saving tips like these can be as simple as turning off your thermostat and opening your windows more to let a cool breeze in…

Take a look at how you can start living more efficiently by incorporating greener practices at home.

Simple Ways to Incorporate Energy-Efficiency in Your Home

Opt for Gas Appliances

Using gas appliances can make your home energy-efficient because they have low operating costs and allow for efficient use of resources for heating and other important household needs.

When it comes to efficiency, appliances powered by natural gas tend to utilize less energy compared to electric appliances.

For example, if you’re using a gas furnace or boiler when heating your home, your household bills may be much lower compared to the ones generated while using electric appliances.

That’s why to make sure you can get the most out of your gas appliances, you may need an adequate supply of natural gas.

With the increasing demand for natural gas-powered appliances and devices, many gas suppliers are available in the market.

All you have to do is choose the best ones for your household needs.

Primarily, homeowners in some states can choose their natural gas supplier, thanks to deregulation.

For example, in Georgia, consumers must select a gas supplier; they can’t purchase natural gas from the utility. Consumers in these states should compare natural gas rates to get the best price.

So, if you’re living in a state where deregulation exists, consider the gas rates before choosing a gas supplier.

That way, you can save money on your natural gas costs while incorporating energy-efficiency in your home in the long run.

Seal All Windows in Your Home

Sometimes you’re not able to see them but small cracks near your windows can appear and leak the air from inside your home out.

This is what you can consider as a sometimes invisible way to increase your electric bill. Sometimes this problem is easy to see and sometimes it’s not.

Here are some preventive measures you can take:

  • Caulk cracks in the drywall around your windows
  • Add weatherstripping around the frames
  • Apply shrink film to windows

All of these are easy and inexpensive ways to lower energy costs and make your home more energy-efficient.

Another way to lower your energy costs is to check the Power to Choose electricity comparison site which can help you compare light companies and encourage lower energy rates from where you are able to find the best provider and plan for your home.


Lower Your Thermostat

The dreaded thermostat… This is the very thing that seems to play the biggest role in what our energy bill looks like. But the only reason it plays such a huge role is because lots of people are misinformed about it and on top of that, it plays a bit of a mind game on us.

When you come in from the cold, your initial reaction is to turn the thermostat all the way up, right?

Yes, but the way our bodies are set up, we don’t actually need the heat on 85 degrees to feel warm. If it’s 62 degrees outside and your thermostat is set to 63 or 64 degrees, your body will feel warm.

To save on your energy bill, energy.gov recommends lowering your thermostat 10 to 15 degrees during the workday (especially if you’re not home) and it will lower your energy bill by 5-10 percent annually. That’s not saying to freeze yourself out; you want to lower it to where you can stand it and just layer up!

Switch to Alternative Electricity

Switching to alternative electricity is one of the biggest ways to incorporate energy efficiency in your home.

If you’re like most people, aside from your rent or mortgage payments, your electric bill is the next most expensive bill you pay…

This bill in particular tends to cause a great deal of stress to people because it’s the lifeline of your home.

This is the bill that keeps the lights on, the refrigerator running, the heating and air working, and the stove/oven operational, so it’s understandable why it can get on the expensive side.

But just because electricity is a major staple in your home, that doesn’t mean it has to take control over your paychecks…

There is indeed a way to get cheap electricity and it’s electricity generated from renewable resources. You’ll have to check to see if it’s available in your area.

These are only a few ways to make your home more energy-efficient but incorporating green living in your home is a great sustainable practice to have anyway.

You can clean your home in a greener way and even cook in a greener way but there’s no change too big or too small.

However you choose to make your home more energy-efficient or greener, just remember that you have to start somewhere and your home is a great place to start.

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