DIY Giant Painted Clothespin Noteholder

This project is a little …. ummmm …. big… lol! I’ve always loved a play on proportions. Whether big or small, unexpected sizes always add a fun dimension to otherwise average objects.

Recently, I spotted this pin on Pinterest and I knew I had to create an oversized clothespin of my own. Wanna make your own giant clothespin noteholder?


Stuff You’ll Need:

Giant Clothespin

Craft Paint

Paint Brush

Note: You can find giant clothespins in your craft store’s wood working section. I’ve also seen them on Find one that is flat on the bottom so that it will stand on its own.


1. Take the clothespin apart.

2. Paint the clothespin.

3. Put the clothespin together and use it to hold all your notes, lists, cards etc.

If you liked this tutorial, be sure to check out the DIY: Framed Corkboard Tutorial.

So, are you guys as obsessed with oversized and miniature objects as much as I am? I can’t. get. enough.

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