Indoor heating is important to keep the temperatures inside a home at comfortable levels, especially during extreme weathers.
This is why heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems maintenance should be a priority in every household.
If not maintained effectively, having an inefficient temperature regulation system will cause substandard comfort levels, increased energy bills, costly repairs, and a much shorter lifespan for the heating systems in place.
However, at times, checking or cleaning the HVAC system becomes an afterthought for many, which leads to neglect, overuse, and damage.
If you’re a homeowner, you can avoid this by knowing which parts of your home heating system are most prone to damage and how you can protect them.
Though regular check-ups and cleaning for most heating units can be done without professional help, you’ll need to hire experts for some preventive maintenance and repairs need.
If you’d like to learn about different professional HVAC service providers, you can visit this websites such as and others to compare prices and services offered.
If you’d like to know more about the common heating problems in your household and what you can do to prevent them, see the following list:
1. Dirty Or Outdated Filter
The furnace filter helps clear the air of dirt and other contaminants, which is why you should clean or replace it regularly. If not, there would be a buildup that would limit and reduce the quality of airflow.
It may also lead to overheating, as the furnace will be forced to exert more effort to function effectively.
Because of these, HVAC experts advise checking the filter once a month for any buildup, especially during summer and winter. If any cleaning does not improve the airflow, you might need to replace the filter once or twice a year.
2. Broken Thermostat
A thermostat monitors the temperature inside the home and adjusts the temperature regulators to achieve the ideal temperature.
If the thermostat is broken, you’ll notice the change in indoor temperature, and the heating unit will also be unresponsive. Moreover, the display screen may also be blank for digital types.
When the thermostat stops working, you can check to see if the batteries need replacement. The digital thermostat batteries usually need to be replaced at least once a year.
If you have a mechanical type, on the other hand, you can detach the cover and clear the interior of any dust or debris, which could be the cause of malfunction.
You can also check the wires to ensure they’re connected to the mounting screws. If the thermostat still doesn’t work, it means there could be a problem with the wiring, which a technician will need to be fix.
3. Pilot Light Outage
If your home uses an older furnace which has a gas starter or a pilot light, you may need to check if it’s a pilot light outage first if your furnace suddenly stopped working.
To do this, you need to open the front cover panel on the furnace and see if the blue pilot light flame is on. If not, you may need to relight the pilot light if it’s gone out to restore your heating.
Usually, there are manufacturer instructions outside the furnace you can follow to turn the pilot light on. You can also look for the instructions online based on the brand name and model of your furnace.
Moreover, it may be helpful to be wary of small drafts, moisture, or failing parts around the heating system, as these usually cause damage to the furnace.
4. Broken Furnace Heat Exchanger
The furnace heat exchanger is an important part of your furnace as it’s the space where the air is heated without exposure to gas or other heating elements, making the warm air clean and safe to inhale.
However, its tubes and coils can crack during use, causing dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide to mix with the clean air the furnace produces. Some signs that the heat exchanger is broken include unpleasant smells, soot buildup, corrosion and cracks, and rattling noises.
If your heat exchanger is broken, you can either replace it or replace the whole furnace. Replacing it may be possible if you can remove the damaged cell to make way for the replacement. And, of course, if you have the right furnace parts such as these.
However, homeowners usually discover damage on other parts of furnace when the heat exchanger breaks. In this case, it may be more cost-effective to replace the furnace completely compared to replacing its parts.
With a new furnace, you can also be sure that your home meets the current safety code regulations.
5. Damaged Insulation
Having high-quality insulation in your home aids in effective regulation of temperature to achieve the level of comfort you’ll need. This is why it’s essential to regularly check if your home insulation has been damaged or compromised.
Home insulation is highly vulnerable to moisture, which is why it gets damaged quickly when the pipes are broken or when the roof leaks.
On the other hand, antiquated houses may also have outdated, low-quality or poorly installed insulation.
To help prevent home heating problems, you’ll need to check the quality of insulation you have in your home, fix any damages and seal gaps on the exterior, if any.
6. Outdated Furnace
Having an outdated furnace can also cause heating problems at home. Commonly, furnaces older than 15 years would no longer be able to efficiently circulate air.
And with heating oil prices higher than in the past, you want the most efficient system to help save money in the long run.
They can also drive up the energy usage because of having an outdated system. Also, an outdated furnace might need frequent repairs which can be costly.
In this case, buying a replacement may be more cost-effective in the long run as compared to repairing an old unit.
A functional and well-maintained home heating system is essential in keeping a comfortable household no matter the weather. It may take some effort and resources to regularly check your heating system and have them repaired as needed.
However, it may be a wise investment to make in the long run as you’ll be able to save money on energy and you’ll also prolong the use of the heating appliances.
Ultimately, nothing compares to giving your family the comfort that they need inside your home, so taking extra steps to make it happen will always be worth the while.