Off the Hook: Granny Time!

Confession: My yarn stash has grown wildly out of control, and what better to way to tame all those lovely strands of yarn than with a giant granny square project??! I’ve been posting snippets of my progress over on Instagram, and thought I’d share some details of my giant granny square project on the blog today.

So, can you guess what this project is??It’s going to be a Christmas tree skirt! I fell in love with this one that was for sale at Anthropologie last year. As soon as I saw it I thought, ‘I can make that!’ I searched for the perfect pattern to use, and was so excited when I saw this free one by Ann Regis available over at Red Heart.

So far, I’ve finished the inner circle and one of the outer squares. I’ve still got a lot more squares to make, but I figure I’ve still got plenty of time to meet my Christmas deadline. 😉

Project Details:
Pattern: Granny Tree Skirt by Ann Regis at Red Heart
Yarn: Various from my stash
Difficulty: Intermediate
Skills: Granny squares, construction, weaving in ends
Status: WIP

This project has been a lot of fun so far. I’ve got plenty of yarn to choose from in my stash and it’s been fun to combine yarns of different colors and textures to get a unique and colorful look. The possibilities are endless when it comes to granny squares!

And, of course, it’s fun to watch my stash shrink, so I can make room for more new yarn! 😉

So, am I the only (CrAzY) person working on Christmas projects this time of year? Do any of you have any out-of-season projects you are working on?

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