Different Types of Furnace Filters & How to Choose the Right One

Furnace filters are needed to be installed to keep the HVAC system clean. Choosing the best furnace filter will allow you to breathe easily in your home.

Replace the filter periodically to prolong the life of heating and air conditioning components that blow throughout your home space.

Know the essential features of different furnace filters, the level of protection you can expect from those, and why they matter while buying one for your house.

What Are Furnace Filters & How It Works?

The furnace filter of your house does a fantastic job without any fuss and helps the rest of the furnace to do the work correctly.

This filter is equipment to protect your furnace. Do you have a blower fan in your house?

If yes, you need to keep a furnace filter to protect that from things like dust, hair, debris, and other kinds of pollutants and strengthen your house’s indoor air quality for your breathing comfort.

This tool cycles the air through the furnace, ducts, TN, Murfreesboro, etc.

It helps the air travel throughout the room. Its constant traveling and pushing help it pick up the dust and pollutants.

Types Of Furnace Filter: Are they All the Same?

Many people think every furnace can be used for any house. But this is not the case. Not all are the same.

However, it might not be possible for you to choose the appropriate one for your house.

Take help from a residential air filter supplier who can assist you in picking which filter type would be the best for your indoors. The types include:

  • Fiberglassdisposable:The most common type of furnace filter that obstructs the large particles.
  • Pleateddisposable:The filter is made from polyester or cotton paper which can catch small particles.
  • Electrostatic disposable:Made from self-charging electrostatic paper, which can catch harmful small particles.
  • Electrostaticpermanent:Choose this one if you have pets or smokers. This filter can be cleaned and maintained whenever you want.

Furnace Filters Sizes

Furnace filters’ sizes also vary from one another. Notice the measurements of the filter box. Then, you will be able to know the depth, length, and height of it.

You can getcustom furnace filters according to your need. Fix the exact measurements and take the technician’s help if you are unsure what to do regarding this.

A technician can help you with unique and accurate furnace specifications.

What To Consider Before Purchasing Filters?

Before purchasing filters, you must know the replacement requirements and their time gap.

If you are planning to buy disposable furnace filters, you should change or replace them every three months for better results.

It depends on the filter. Some may need to be replaced every few weeks.

Change the filter more frequently depending on the air you breathe inside and outside your house.

Clean the filter regularly and make sure your furnace is functioning perfectly.

Maintenance is necessary to make sure that the filter is not clogged. So, maintain the rules and regulations to develop the lifespan of your furnace filter.

To find out the lifespan of a furnace filter and the best type of furnace filter, you can talk to an expert because it is essential to select the exact furnace filter for your home.

However, it is also essential to consider your budget and needs.

How Do I Understand Which Furnace Filter to Buy?

Choosing Furnace Filter

It significantly matters what type of furnace filter you use. So, you should know how to choose a furnace filter that is right for you.

See what your HVAC system requires. Don’t go for the one which is rated for commercial uses or purposes.

Purchase suitable furnace filters for residential systems to remove the contaminants.

If your house has people with allergies, breathing difficulties, pets, or smokers, you need to go for better quality filters than others.

It is good not to consider the expensiveness of the quality filter because they can take out more dust and particles that the cheaper filters can’t.

High-efficiency pleated air filters are good to use and are more efficient.

These filters don’t require frequent replacement as the other type of filters. Purchasing the wrong furnace filter is unsafe and a waste of money.

So, make sure you get it right to buy the best furnace filter for your needs.


From all this information above, you have already got the ideas about choosing the suitable furnace filters for your home.

You need to go through the steps of replacing the filters and complete the project successfully with the help of an expert for assistance.

Check and clean whenever needed as per the requirements of the filter you use. You can always check out residential air filters supplier such as Custom Filters Direct.

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