Need a Refresh? 12 Ways to Revamp Your Home in the Summer

A new season is a perfect time to refresh your home, especially summer. If you want your house to feel more welcoming, then identifying areas for a revamp can be the key.

There are so many little ways you can refresh your home that are both cost-effective and simple. Here are twelve easy revamp ideas that will make a vast difference to the appearance and feel of your home.

Upgrade Your Lighting

Lighting is important in any home. Many homes have outdated lighting fixtures that can dim down the feel of a space.

Edison bulbs create a vintage but fresh feel and are a popular choice for many.

If you want to modernize your lighting, consider adding modern LED bulbs you can control from a mobile device.

Deep Clean

A deep clean can really refresh your home. Most people put off deep cleaning as it can feel like a grueling task, but doing it in stages can make it a lot easier.

Cleaning your carpets, washing down the walls, and tackling areas you’ve left untouched for a while can make your home feel almost new again.

Clean your home in stages. Start with washing your windows and getting the outside of the property clean.

Once you’ve done this, focus on deep cleaning one room at a time.

Add Blinds

adding blinds in summer kitchen

Blinds are a great way to bring more light into your home. Curtains can make a space appear dreary and are harder to clean.

Blinds require little maintenance and look great in every room. There are loads of styles to choose from, so you’ll always find something to match your desired style.

Make Repairs

Most people have lots to repair around their homes. Little repair jobs add up quickly and before you know it, they become overwhelming.

Setting aside time to go around your home and repair all the things you’ve been putting off can be very rewarding.

Broken items can make your space look untidy. Focusing on repairs can be a perfect way to refresh your home.

Update Your Furniture

If you haven’t updated your furniture in a while, why not incorporate a fresh new style? Furniture wears over time and looks dull and tired.

Simply replacing your sofa with something more modern like a modular sofa can completely change the look of a room.

Why not replace your cushions and throws too and create a modern theme throughout?

You can still have antique furniture in your home if that’s something you like, but try to find pieces that aren’t too worn.

Some of your furniture may simply need re-varnishing or polishing, while others will benefit from replacement.

Include Statement Walls

Statement walls can be the best way to bring color and excitement into your home without going over the top.

If you want your home to look fresh, use white, cream, or other neutral colors on the walls. When you use these colors, you may feel your home looks rather boring, which is where statement walls come in.

You can use paint or wallpaper to create a statement wall. As you’ll only be focusing on one wall, you can make the wall as extravagant as you like!

Add a Rug

choosing a rug

Rugs are great. Whether you have hard floors or you have carpets, you can use a rug on both.

A rug can add color to a space and refresh the look of the room. You can find rugs in all styles.

Whether you want a single block of color or a patterned design, a rug is a simple way to bring a new look into a room.

Rugs look good in the middle of a room, under a table, or beneath a sofa. Just be sure to choose a rug that doesn’t clash with other colors in the space.

Incorporate Art

Whatever your taste, you must incorporate artwork into your home if you want it to look fresh and exciting.

Art is the perfect way to express yourself, whether you want to hang paintings on walls or include sculptures in the room.

With art, the opportunities are endless. Any artwork in a space will make it look more visually appealing.

If you’re creative, then why not try creating your own art? Creating your own art can mean you can craft something to fit your theme and space perfectly.

Paint Your Window and Door Frames

Although most spaces will benefit from a lick of paint, there are some areas that benefit more from one than others.

The paint on doors and window frames can chip off and look unsightly over the years. If you don’t want to redecorate your entire house, then simply painting your window and door frames can make a significant difference.

If you want to take this a step further, paint other wooden surfaces in the room with gloss paint too.

Go around your home and identify areas that have wear and tear and touch up with a bit of paint. It’s surprising the difference it makes.

Update the Little Things

Little touches around your home are simple but effective. Updating door handles, cabinet knobs, and small fixtures is a great way to make your home feel newer and fresher.

Light pulls are another thing that can benefit from a replacement. Light switches and plug covers can also be good things to replace, along with anything shiny.

Clear Out

Decluttering is a hugely effective way to revamp your home. Most people have a lot of clutter. Instead of keeping it, sorting through it and deciding what to get rid of can free up lots of space.

You should ensure that you only keep things that mean something to you or are actually useful.

This is the key to decluttering effectively and avoiding holding on to things that you don’t need.

Paint the Walls

painting the house

Painting the walls in your home can feel like a big job, but it’s worthwhile.

Freshly painted walls are one of the best things to create a refreshed and revamped feel.

You don’t need to paint your walls often; every few years should be enough.

Avoid dark colors as these can make a space feel smaller and less appealing. Also, don’t forget to update your decor to match your new theme.

Little things can make a big difference. Take a few steps to get a big refresh in your home this summer season!

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